I was showing off the not-quite-superlative virtues of Google Home on my little wi-fi pillar when complaints came aplenty from my lovely visitors who had Android based phones.
Linked in to my wi-fi network, Google Home appropriated their smartphones and when I asked a question, showing off as usual, my visitors said
- They didn't understand why Google Home suddenly started speaking to them,
- Their batteries suddenly got drained, and
- why their phones had suddenly picked up my weird music choices, such as Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames, the Animals, and Flower of Scotland.
I heard this all happen simultaneously and thought to myself “there's something wrong here”.
I attempted to contact Google on Google Home about the problem and the Google Assistant, in perfect received pronunciation, said: “I'm sorry, I don't understand that.”
This did not placate my visitors who all left in a huff saying: “Mike, that's the last time we come round to your yard. Google is hoovering up everything.”