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Apple’s iCloud bought down “Love Guv”

by on13 April 2017

 Affair was found out using default settings

The governor of Alabama, who resigned this week was bought down partly because of his faith in Apple’s iCloud.

Robert “Love Guv” Bentley found himself in all sorts of hot water when his affair was discovered. He then did all sorts of abuses of power, obstructions of justice, and misused state resources to keep an alleged affair quiet.

It turns out that he had given his wife his state-issued iPad, not understanding that it shared the same “cloud” as his state-issued iPhone and granted equal access to all message functions.

It was through his iPhone text messages being automatically sent to the iPad that the family discovered the affair. Dianne Bentley – who has since divorced the 74-year-old governer, showed the iPad to her family to confirm suspicions of the illicit affair.

“Several witnesses also told us that there was a belief among the Bentley children that their father may have been suffering dementia or other health problems,” it read. In fact after he realised that his iPhone had let him down, he became more paranoid and bought lots of pre-paid mobile phones, or “burner” phones.

While it might not appear to have been Apple’s fault, it is fairly clear that Bentley was not aware how Apple’s super-user friendly default settings worked and the selling point of Apple gear is that even a 74-year-old Republican can use it.

Last modified on 13 April 2017
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