The OS will be dubbed ArcaOS 5 in its final release and claims to be a modern 21st Century OS/2 Warp. It supports the latest hardware and networking standards, a modern accelerated graphics driver, support for new cryptographic security standards, full backward compatibility with legacy OS/2, DOS and Windows 3.1 applications, suitability for use in mission-critical applications, and, it appears, the ability to run "ported Linux applications".
Blue Lion is in closed beta with March 31st, 2017 will arrive with a Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail client, Apache OpenOffice, other productivity tools, a new package manager, and software update and support subscription to ensure system stability.
It is unclear from the information offered whether Blue Lion can run modern Windows applications.
OS/2 Warp was IBM’s rival to Windows and it was popular enough to achieve a cult following. Even when I wrote its obituary, there were enough angry users to claim that it would continue. It appears that they are correct, although the difference between this product and the last version of OS/2 Warp I ran will have to be huge. OS/2 Warp was a little more reliable than the early versions of Windows, but its clock started to be cleaned by Windows 95 and it never really recovered.
Published in
OS/2 Warp returns from dead
Blue Lion claims to be all modern
An outfit called Arca Noae is working on a new release of the X86 OS/2 operating system code named "Blue Lion".