This is a US manufactured, foldable small vehicle that weighs 30 lbs (13.6 KG) can be easily folded, gets you to a maximum speed of 14 mph (22.53 Km/h) speed and has a range of 16 miles (25.75 KM).
The Sport version starts at $899 and offers a standard acceleration electric engine, it comes with never flat tires and dampener suspensions. You're probably wondering about the power source - the company calls it Eddy - and this patent pending high efficiency removable power source is capable of charging five devices simultaneously via a USB Type C and quad port USB 2.0.
There is enough capacity to charge a Macbook Pro over five times and an iPhone 7 forty times. This battery (Eddy) is enough to get you 16 miles or almost 26 KM. Once you finish your ride, you can remove the battery and charge multiple devices from it. Of course, you can plug the battery into the power source and charge it too for your future rides.
If you want the faster engine, you can get an URB-E SPORT GT and the main difference is that this model comes with a faster electric motor. It offers more performance and comes with pushrod suspension. The URB-E SPORT GT starts at $1,099 and it will accelerate faster, no doubt about it.
We had a chance to try the vehicle and as a motorcycle driver, it took me seconds to get used to it. I was very surprised by the torque and acceleration as it is kind of unexpected from such a small and foldable transportation solution. They have a few higher end options that have a slightly higher range and go a bit faster and a bunch of accessories including the shopping chart that can be mounted on the URB-E.
URB-E gets you downhill and uphill in Pasadena and it definitely caught a lot of attention as you can clearly say that most people have never seen such a transportation device. It is completely OK to drive it in the bike lanes, but bear in mind that some bicycle riders will be able to pass you, as they can pedal faster.
It was interesting to see the level of detail and also attention to detail, as the URB-E comes with a phone charging option (additional phone cradle necessary) and under the seat there is even a bottle opener.
The URB-E will fit into your car trunk and it will fit the bus, tram, underground or a train, making it a great option for urban commuters.