The ITC said the products at issue in the investigation included GPUs, processors, systems-on-chip, smartphones, laptops, televisions, Bluray players, and gaming systems. It identified 17 firms whose products it wanted to examine, including AMD, Lenovo, LG Electronics , MediaTek , Motorola Mobility, Qualcomm and Sony.
ZiiLabs' complaint has asked that the USITC issue a limited exclusion order and a cease and desist order.
It is all shedloads of months away from being sorted out. There has to be a judge assigned to look at the claim, it needs to debated, appealed, lost, found, diced, and finally buried in soft peat for several months before a decision is actually made.
ZiiLabs owns over 100 US patents in the graphics, processor and 3D spaces. Ten of these patents have been asserted in the lawsuit, in which ZiiLabs is claiming past and future damages for patent infringement, and injunctions against Samsung and Apple.
Normally its favourite court is East Texas, but it has scored licensing deals from Intel and Apple.
According to the complaint, the asserted patents generally relate to graphics processing technology. In particular, the ’952 patent relates to multiple rasterizer graphics systems. The ’350 patent relates to maximizing the setup and hold time for data being read from Double-Data-Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (DDR SDRAM). The ’616 patent relates to a graphics processor that stores and processes textures in an efficient manner. Lastly, the ’659 patent relates to graphics rendering hardware for graphics shader programs.
In the complaint, ZiiLabs states that the proposed respondents import and sell products that infringe the asserted patents. The complaint specifically refers to various graphics processors, DDR memory controllers, servers, workstations, desktops, notebooks, laptops, all-in-ones, Chromebooks, tablets, smartphones, wearables, televisions, DVD players, blu-ray players, SoCs, and gaming systems associated with the proposed respondents as infringing products.