While AMD is quite keen to hold all further specifications for the big Vega Architecture Preview event which starts at 2 PM GMT on January 5th, the system was running Star Wars: Battlefront at 4K resolution and 60+ FPS. The system was recorded by Think Computers in a neat video but as we can't see any specifications we have to take their word for it. According to the source, the CPU was the 8-core/16-thread Ryzen chip running at 3.4GHz, while the GPU was based on Vega architecture.
Earlier performance reviews of the same game showed that Radeon R9 Fury X and GTX 980 Ti were peaking at around 40 FPS at the same resolution and Ultra preset.
With this in mind, it appears that both the Ryzen CPU and especially the Vega GPU will bring impressive performance boost for AMD so hopefully, we will get all the juicy details as soon as the AMD event kicks off.