Several cabinet ministers were such Apple fanboys they were dumb enough to buy the iWatch. Needless to say, these are the same clowns which made the UK the great nation it is to day and made sure that the country had a pound which was the same value as the euro.
Under Theresa May, ministers have been barred from wearing them amid concerns that they could be used by hackers as listening devices.That and the fact that Apple fanboys kept waving them in front of other ministers and saying that they should buy the gadget during meetings. It was getting on her nerves. Smartphones have been already banned from meetings after one Apple fanboy, Michael Gove, disrupted one Cabinet meeting by inadvertently playing a Beyonce song on his iPhone.
He was "surreptitiously checking his emails", but pressed the wrong button when a message came through which is easy to do on iOS. As a result he treated his cabinet collegues to the first few bars of a song from Beyonce when they should have been thinking about foot in mouth disease .
For those who don't know Gove, was the idiot who lied to the UK people claiming that they could save the NHS by voting to leave the EU. He is also a former Justice Minister whose great act for the British People was to prevent comedy politician Boris Johnson from becoming Prime Minister by knifing him in the back. As such he is a perfect role model of Apple fanboy twattage.
It comes amid mounting fears about the scale of Russian hacking in the West. One source told the Telegraph that: "The Russians are trying to hack everything." We doubt that any Tory cabinet minister would have anything useful on their iWatch – other than the numbers for rent boys and Miss Whiplash.