Logitech went all-in with the new G900 Chaos Spectrum gaming mouse, packing quite a few high-end features and promising professional-grade performance packed in an attractive gaming design. The new Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum measures at 130x67x40mm and weighs 107g. It has 11-programmable buttons and it is an ambidextrous mouse, which means it is suitable for both left- and right-handed users.
In order to achieve the ambidextrous design on the G900 Chaos Spectrum, Logitech made it a customizable gaming mouse, allowing users to switch side buttons from one side to other, allowing both left- and right-handed users to get a ring-finger rest.
Logitech opted for its well known PMW3366 optical sensor on the G900 Chaos Spectrum, giving it a 200 to 12,000 DPI resolution, maximum acceleration of over 40G and maximum speed of over 300 ips. One of the key features of the G900 Chaos Spectrum is the new mechanical pivot button desing which, according to Logitech, reduces the pre-travel distance between buttons and switches while also reducing the force required to click.
The Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum uses 2.4GHz wireless mode, promising lag-free connection with 1000Hz report rate (1ms), which is the same when it is used in a wire USB-mode. The new mouse also comes with a fully-customizable RGB lighting with 16.8 million colors, as well as a battery life of 24 hours with RGB lighting and 32 hours without it. It features 32-bit ARM chip and can store up to 5 profiles.
Logitech's new G900 Chaos Spectrum gaming mouse is already up for pre-order and should be available as of next month with a suggested retail price of US $149.99/€179.