Never mind technology, nothing brings down a drone faster than a 10 pound eagle, and you don’t even have to steer it. It only costs a couple of rats a day to run.
Dutch police are working with a company called Guard from Above, which is a raptor training firm in Denmark.
The eagles can instinctively grab the offending drones out of the sky and automatically take it to a safe area away from people. We guess it will then attempt to eat it. That is when the Eagle handlers swap the drone for a nice rabbit.
Testing will last a few months and then the Dutch police will decide if they will continue to use eagles to combat unwanted drones. It would be pretty cool if they did. Already we have police dogs and police eagles has a nice ring to it.
It also means that while the Japanese are flying their drone to catch up to the rogue drone, the eagle has snatched it out of the sky and the only sound heard will be Brian Blessed shouting Diiiivveee.