Earlier in December, Mozilla's SVP of Connected Devices, Ari Jaaksi, told Techcrunch that the company has not been able to offer the best possible user experience on smartphones and will stop offering those via carrier channels. He also added that the company will share more work and new experiments across connected devices soon.
The newest leak spotted by Venturebeat suggest that Mozilla is now shifting its Firefox OS focus on other devices, including HDMI sticks, routers, tablets and even keyboard computers. Mozilla's Chief Legal and Business Officer, Denelle Dixon-Thaye, said to Venturebeat that the company is still in the early stages of exploring and prototyping new use cases for Firefox OS. So, as these might not even come to market, these look quite interesting.
The first device is the Firefox Pad, a tablet based on Firefox OS which should offer similar experience as the smartphone, just without the phone part. The Firefox Stick is a standard HDMI stick which should provide smart capabilities to any HDMI equipped TV or monitor.
More interesting are the Firefox Hub and the Firefox Pi. The Firefox Hub is a smart router which should heavily rely on privacy and parental controls and be user friendly and have automatic updates. The Firefox Pi could be considered as the revival of early computers like Commodore and ZX Spectrum, and target education and emerging markets. The Firefox Pi is a keyboard computer built on Raspberry Pi platform and running on Firefox OS.
While we might not see these devices anytime soon, they are quite interesting but Mozilla will have tough competition with some of them.