The case was targeting all Android devices from Samsung including some of the Qualcomm based chips. This ruling is a big deal for Samsung as the company sells a lot of phones and tablets based on Android operating system in the US. Nvidia originally announced the case in September 2014 and we covered it with quite a few details.
Today's announcement is just the final confirmation of the ruling from October when Samsung was given a get out of jail free card over two out of seven patents.
Samsung issued a following statement.
“We are very pleased that the ITC came to the right and just conclusion that we did nothing wrong.”
Nvidia's David M. Shannon who serves as executive vice president, chief administrative officer and secretary has issued a following statement at company's blog.
The U.S. International Trade Commission today declined our request to review a recent decision involving NVIDIA by one of its administrative law judges. He had ruled in October that Samsung and Qualcomm infringed one of our graphics patents, which wasn’t valid, and did not infringe two of our other patents.
While today’s ruling ends this particular case in the ITC, we remain firm in our belief that our patents are valid and have been infringed and will look to appeal the ITC’s decision.
Nvidia was hoping for a better news from ITC buas as David mentions in his blog post, the flight is not over, they will continue to chase Samsung and look into possibility of appealing on the ruling.