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Visa develops Android payment software
Know what your credit card is doing
Visa is developing mobile payment software for the new wireless phone powered by Google Android system.
Visa said the big idea is that Android users will be able to receive near real-time alerts about purchases via their mobile devices. They will also will be able to use location-based mapping technology to find ATM machines and nearby stores where they can redeem special Visa offers.
According to a press release, the software will be broadly available to U.S. consumers by the end of the year, starting with holders of Chase Visa cards. A spokesperson for Visa said that by developing these mobile services for the Android platform, Visa has taken a major step toward achieving its goal of combining two of the world's most powerful and ubiquitous consumer innovations, electronic payments and mobile technology.
Visa also signed a deal to give users of Nokia's upcoming 6212 Classic-model cell phone the ability to make "contactless" payments in stores just by flashing their phone at an electronic scanner. Similar "contactless" capabilities for Android users are still under development.