Back on July 22nd Microsoft, confirmed that the PC that we are currently using will work with Windows 10. It is a Shuttle SH87R6 machine, powered by Core i7 4790 Haswell refresh 22nm processor and has 8GB of DDR3 RAM. Depending on how we feel, it has a Geforce GTX 980, Titan X or a Radeon 280 / 290X class card inside.
Have in mind that this is an excellent achievement as this is a small form factor chassis with 500W PSU that can run a powerful card like the Titan X. We could not plug the Radeon Fury X, as there is no space for the water cooler in this super small case.
Microsoft claims that our memory meets requirements, our processor is 1GHz of faster, the printer and other devices we are compatible. It has notified us that we don’t have a touch screen, but this is not a requirement for Windows 10.
Our data and files are compatible and only one app won't work, DAEMON Tools Lite that we use for ISO files management.
So, we and many millions other Windows 7 and 8.1 owners in 190 countries can only wait for the update. We will get a notification from Microsoft when it is out turn but Microsoft has said that it will role the updates in waves. There is no way to know when it will be your turn.
Have in mind that Microsoft wants 20GB space to install, but in reality Windows needs less than that.