Intel refreshes its marchitecture every year or so and every two years they have a major marchitectural breakthrough. Core 2 Duo went out last year and swept AMD off its feet and next year Intel plans to refresh its offer with 45 nanometre Core 2 Duo / Quad CPU's codenamed Penryn.
The second half of 2008 is the interesting one, as Intel plans to have Nehalem chips with an integrated memory controller and some other interesting features. This chip will swipe K10 of its feet even at 45 nanometre and high clocks.
This is what our high ranking sources that are using both chips believe. It looks like from now on, one year will be AMD's, when AMD will be able to claim victory, while the next one will be Intel's.
We are getting odd victory cycles it seems.
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Nehalem to smash K10 marchitecture
Second half of 2008