Published in News

British chef serves up fishy malware

by on18 February 2015

Still tastes better than British food

Irritating British chef Jamie Oliver, who normally serves up his dishes with some quirky English colloquialisms, has been delivering a dose of malware to people visiting his site.

The celebrity chef's website, which reportedly gets around ten million monthly users, has been serving users an exploit kit, which then downloaded the Dorkbot trojan.
The attack looks for three different vulnerabilities found in Flash, Silverlight and Java and is not particularly interested in cooking.

The code filtered repeat visitors and those using VPNs so it seems to be a somewhat targeted attack. The Trojan can fool users into downloading a seemingly legit software update for Flash and Microsoft Security Essentials, which further wreck their machines.

Apparently the site's problem stemmed from a malicious script and it's not clear whether the code came via an infected 3rd party plug-in or if a compromised administrative account.

When we last checked the site had been scrubbed clean and it is safe for you to check on recipes. The bad news is that the recipes may include nuts and the site still contains Jamie Oliver.

Last modified on 18 February 2015
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