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Swedish company installs mark of the beast in workers

by on30 January 2015

Better than ID companies

 From the land which makes flat pack furniture, whose instructions defy the laws of physics, Sweden, comes the news that a new office block is implanting the workers inside of it with computer chips under their skin, instead of issuing them with ID cards.

In a move which will upset the born again Christians who insist that RFID chips are the “mark of the beast” which will bring about the reign of the Anti-Christ, and they claim that soon you will not be able to buy and sell anything without the beast's mark .Apparently somehow the chip is supposed to have a connection to the number 666.

The radio-frequency identification chips (RFID) are implanted under the skin of the workers’ hand, enabling them to open doors and use the photocopier. A

More than 700 people have been chipped at the Epicenter hi-tech office block in Sweden including BBC hack Rory Cellan-Jones, who said that when a tattooist put it in there “was a moment of pain – not much worse than any injection – and then he stuck a plaster over my hand”.

The chips could be used for more than just opening doors, including paying for food and drinks in the cafeteria with a touch of a hand, which is when the Born again Christian’s end times really does begin.

Hannes Sjoblad, chief disruption officer at the development, said we already interact with technology, and that these chips only make it more intuitive. He did not mention anything about Gog and Magoog, or Armageddon.

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