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Jack Thompson takes on Microsoft

by on24 May 2007

Halo 3 to violent for under 17 year olds


Anti-violent game protester Jack Thompson has told Microsoft to take steps to make sure that Halo 3 does not fall into the hands of under 17 year-olds.

In a letter to Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, Thompson said that either Microsoft undertakes dramatic, real steps he will force the company to do so by legal means.
Thompson claimed some success in getting Best Buy to sign from his hymn sheet and he will do so again to Microsoft and all retailers of Halo 3.

He said that the Federal Trade Commission had repeatedly found that games rated “Mature” by the video game industry-captured Entertainment Software Rating Board are routinely sold to kids under the age of 17 despite the age rating.

He claimed that Lee Boyd Malvo trained on Microsoft’s Halo to further enable him to become the remarkably efficient “DC Beltway Sniper.”

More here.

Last modified on 13 August 2013
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