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Qualcomm outfit has a new smart beacon idea

by on10 October 2014

That is beacon not bacon

Gimbal, a Qualcomm company which makes smart beacons thinks the devices can change the world. Gimbal makes the small circular-shaped objects that are typically installed on walls or near cash registers of retailers and restaurants.

By working in conjunction with mobile devices, beacons deliver location-based content to consumers, provide data points and tools for analytic data, and conform traditional marketing practices into digital-based ones. Gimbal also provides geofencing which are location-based messaging capabilities and also, crucially, intel and analytics derived from consumers synched to beacons when they walk into a retail shop.

Venture Beat seems upbeat about the idea and interviewed Gimbal chief operating officer Kevin Hunter. He is getting deals with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art which enables visitors who have downloaded the museums’ mobile app on their smartphone are directed to relevant areas of the museum based on information processed by the beacons.

The big idea is that retailers will begin incorporating beacons into their stores so punters can make digital sales through smartphones or desktops. The beacons had no impact on retail sales last year, but according to predictions by eMarketer, more retailers will begin experimenting with beacons because they see consumers increasingly embracing mobile devices.

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