It seems that Emma Watson has hacked off 4Chan for daring to say that men and women are equal. Watson made a well-received speech at the UN, it probably did not anger anyone other than a few blokes on 4Chan who feel that the only women who are allowed to tell them what to do are their mothers. (Rents are up, basements are cheap. Ed)
As a result the board has declared war on Watson and will attempt to get nude pictures of her posted online. Of course this will only work if she has an iPhone, which she did have last year when she famously dropped it in a bowl of soup.
"She makes stupid feminist speeches at UN, and now her nudes will be online," one anonymous member wrote.
A website called sprung up via the site. It features Watson's face, the 4Chan logo, and a countdown clock that's counting down from 5 days to the supposed release of Watson's photos.
It is expected that the best 4Chan will manage is to Photoshop vaguely realistic fake photos featuring Watson, but given the openness of Apple’s iCloud and the recent spate of celeb leaks from it, anything is possible. The 4Chan-based perpetrator of the previous celebrity photo hack is currently being sought by the FBI.