Apple has admitted that its programming geniuses cocked up when it gave away a copy of U2’s latest album to those who were silly enough to rush out and buy its iPhone6.
Many Apple fans considered it a double insult that they were not only expected to buy a phone which was smaller than a Samsung, and three times as expensive as a Lenovo, and then have some aged Irish crooners installed on it in such a way that it was impossible to delete.
The Tame Apple press was not exactly supportive with articles reminding users that the Album was totally free and many of the writers actually remembered who U2 really was.
Now Apple has a created an app with removes the album ‘Songs of Innocence’ permanently. Once it is gone, it can’t be called back either.
Apparently Apple thinks that anyone who is prepared to moan if they get something free, is not worthy of Bono goodness.