A Canadian bloke who quit his job to cyber troll everyone who bothered him has admitted that he wasted a quarter of his life.
Robert James Campbell quit his job, he went home and started plotting revenge against everyone he felt had wronged him in life. He began an online campaign of harassment and hatred he’s accused of launching spanned more than a decade.
He created fake online profiles to destroy reputations, presenting his targets to the world as child predators, members of a Nazi party, exotic dancers and prostitutes. Coppers eventually found him in July 31 and arrested him on 181 charges of criminal harassment, identity theft and defamatory libel. Campbell, 42, has been accused of terrorizing 38 victims in the United Kingdom, the United States and in Canada, 18 of whom are from Ottawa.
Campbell publicly apologized to his alleged victims and says he has instructed his lawyer to file a guilty plea. He said that he did what he did because I wanted some sort of revenge against the people who harassed me. At the same time, I didn’t think anyone would take the fake emails and LinkedIn accounts seriously. Campbell said a sentence at a federal penitentiary would afford him care for the mental health issues he suffers from. My goal is that upon my release I can become a productive member of the community,” he said.
In 2001, he says, he quit his job after he claims to have been subjected to unbearable ridicule, “general bullying stuff,” over 18 months at the office. He claimed colleagues mocked his British accent and repeatedly made derogatory remarks.
The online cyber-bullying not only attacked former colleagues of Campbell, but their families and friends. Campbell said he’s been diagnosed with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
All this was a complete waste of his life – he has spend a quarter of his life being a troll and “that is crazy,” he admitted.