A team of Danish boffins have worked out that the Internet could be sped up by more than five times if there were some significant changes to TCP/IP. The researchers who hang out at Aalborg University say that a lot of the TCP/IP system needs to be junked in favour of something called “Random Linear Network Coding” (RLNC).
Basically this means using new mathematical algorithms on routing problems to eliminate retransmissions and cut congestion. Researchers say that experiments with their new network coding equipment manufacturers experienced speeds that are five to ten times faster than usual. RLNC would allow encoded data be able to be reconstructed within the network and stop the receiving node having to work out that some data went missing and request a retransmission.
This means that the data stream would contain enough data so it can reconstruct missing data without retransmission. Upstream and downstream data is used to reconstruct what is missing using a mathematical equation. Basically it is similar to the error correction which TCP/IP tried to kill off in the first place. The group is trying to flog the technology in Silicon Valley through a company called Steinwurf, which will make RLNC available to hardware manufacturers.