Western Digital has introduced two new My Book drives in 6TB and 12TB capacities. The drives are based on 6TB HDDs. WD introduced a couple of new 3.5-inch 5TB and 6TB units earlier this week.
The My Book 6TB features a single drive and USB 3.0 connectivity. The My Book 6TB list price in Europe ranges from €253 in a German retail chain to €269 on German and Austrian Amazon.
The My Book Duo 12TB is a bit more serious. It packs two 6TB hard drives and supports RAID 0. The drive also features 256-bit AES encryption and a USB hub with two USB 3.0 ports. There are just a handful of listings and all of them are well over the €600 mark, which sounds pricey. For example My Book Duo 6TB is practically the same, but it has two 3TB drives and it sells for €299.
Still, in case you need huge external drives WD's new kit based on 6TB drives is definitely worth checking out.