Samsung Electronics said it is investigating an allegation that one of its supplier in southern China used child workers.
Activist group China Labor Watch released a report alleging that Dongguan Shinyang Electronic, which makes mobile phone covers and parts, hired child labour for its assembly lines. Samsung said it was urgently looking into the latest allegations and will take appropriate measures in accordance with our policies to prevent any cases of child labour in our suppliers.
The announcement comes after Samsung said in an annual sustainability report on June 30 that a third-party audit of 100 suppliers in China found no instances of child labour. Samsung said it conducted a "thorough audit" of Dongguan Shinyang in March 2013, followed by a third-party inspection in August and another last month. No kiddies were found.
Samsung demands suppliers adopt a hiring process that includes face-to-face interviews and the use of electronic scanners to detect fake IDs, to ensure compliance with Samsung's zero-tolerance policy on child labour. China Labor Watch said it found "at least five child workers" without contracts at the supplier in question.
The group claims that Samsung is compiling its reports to keep investors happy and is not that interest in the suffering of workers.