HGST, which is a part of Western Digital, has launched the Ultrastar C10K1800, a new 2.5-inch 10,000RPM HDD aimed to be used in enterprise and data center applications.
While the Ultrastar C10K family has been limited at 1.2TB and 6Gbps SAS interface, HGST has now managed to squeeze in 1.8TB inside a 2.5-inch form-factor and equip the Ultrastar C10K1800 with a 12Gbps SAS interface. In addition to the launch of the new Ultrastar C10K1800 HDD, HGST has also announced that the entire Ultrastar C10K series will be now moving to 12Gbps SAS interface.
While SSDs will be the next big thing, there are still many applications where IOPS performance is not everything and where the actual cost per GB is still much more important, and that is exactly the market that HGST aims with its Ultrastar C10K1800 HDD.
According to HGST, the new C10K1800 HDD will also bring an improved performance when compared to previous Ultrastar C10K HDDs, mostly thanks to a new Media Cache feature which is a disk-based caching technology. According to HGST, the performance is 2.5x higher in random write and 23 percent higher in sequential acces when compared to previous Ultrastar C10K HDD generation. While it is still not clear how much capacity is being reserved for the Media Cache feature, HGST did note that it has no effect on the advertised capacity. This Media Cache feature will also be available for the entire Ultrastar C10K family.
In addition to the performance improvements, HGST also claims that it managed to improve the power efficiency on the new C10K1800, which is now up to seven percent better in both idle and load usage scenarios, when compared to previous Ultrastar C10K generation HDDs. The Ultrastar C10K1800 also brings new security and encryption options including Instant Secure Erase (ISE), Trusted Computing Group (TCG) enterprise SSC-compliant Self-Encrypting Drives (SED), and TCG enterprise SED with FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) 140-2 certification, Level 2.
As it was the case with previous Ultrastar C10K family HDDs, the new C10K1800 will be also available in 4K native/512 emulation and 512 native versions. The Ultrastar C10K1800 hard drive is being qualified by select OEMs and should be already shipping while The FIPS certified models will be available in January 2015.
HGST also announced that its 512 emulation 15K enterprise-class Ultrastar C15K600 will be shipping in July.