Microsoft has confirmed that the Japanese lunch of the Xbox One will feature 29 titles for the console in Japan at launch. Some of the titles will be download only offerings and some of them will be English only with no translation.
The majority of the big titles for Xbox One including Titanfall, Forza 5, and Dead Rising 3 are part of the 29 titles being offered at launch. The Japanese will be lucky enough to choose between both a Kinect version of the console and a Kinect-less version of the console. The Kinect version of the console which will include Titanfall and Kinect Sports Rivals will come in a 49,980 yen, while the Kinect-less version of the console will be priced at 39,980 yen. (The version without Kinect will apparently come with no games.)
Microsoft has confirmed that more titles will be on the way to Japan as they are released. Japanese Xbox One buyers can look forward to Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Minecraft, and Dragon Age: Inquisition among others that will be coming to Japan.
Historically, Microsoft has had a difficult time in Japan and it has had little success capturing market share in the Japanese market which have been dominated by the Sony and Nintendo consoles. It is hard to say if they are going to have any better luck this time around, but Microsoft is committed to trying to see if it can change things this time around.