It seems that Gwyneth Paltrow has dumped Apple along with her Coldplay husband and can now seen smoozing with executives from Microsoft and Google. The actress was the surprise guest at the Microsoft dominated Re/Code's Code Conference outside of Los Angeles. She spoke about the anonymity of the Internet — and its ability to allow "objectification and dehumanization" of others, especially celebrities.
She said that the Internet was like the scabs from your high-school wounds being ripped off on a daily basis. So a bit like using iTunes then. While she declined to talk about Javascript or Ruby On Rails she went on about the effect Internet trolls have had on her life and those of her celebrity friends. Paltrow acknowledged that some abuse goes along with being a public figure: "When you go back through history, it's always happened. From a spiritual leader to Katharine Hepburn ..."
Paltrow said that a celebrity friend who posted a "normal photo" on Instagram received a comment from a user who expressed a desire to "rape and disembowel" her. In February, a user of the anonymous secrets-sharing app Whisper posted a message alleging that Paltrow was cheating on husband Chris Martin. A month later, Paltrow earned Internet scorn for calling her separation from Martin a "conscious uncoupling."
Paltrow said she thinks about how her children will grow up in an online world, and wonders: "Perhaps the Internet has been brought to us as a test of our own emotional evolution."