It seems people are working out ways to keep the life of Windows XP much in the same way that Tithonus was kept alive forever, but never just kept rotting. A single registry entry allows Windows Update to think that your Windows XP machine is actually Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which will receive updates for another five years. The result? Free updates until 2019.
The trick works on 32bit and 64bit. POSReady 2009 is based on the Windows XP kernel and is officially slated to receive updates until 2019. Microsoft, on the other hand, has not offered a comment on this workaround. Word on the street is that this workaround will be impossible fairly soon so you would have to be quick.
The workaround is not for the faint hearted as you have to mess around with the registry, but then again if someone cracks your computer you are going to be in serious trouble anyway. Of course you could just buy a new operating system, it will not kill you.
More here.