Published in News

McAfee back in business

by on06 May 2014

Can’t keep a good man down

Tech multi-millionaire John McAfee is not letting a murder allegation, or accusation of drugs manufacture, and consorting with prostitutes get in the way of making a bob or two. McAfee is involved in a company that's working on creating a private social messaging app for mobile devices. Dubbed Chadder, the free app is said to keep people's information safe by using server encryption.

McAfee said in a statement that Chadder is an unprecedented messaging platform. IT is is a fun and easy to use messaging app that happens to keep your communications private. So private that we can't see it ourselves, he wrote. Chadder was developed by Future Tense Central (FTC), which McAfee reportedly founded, along with another company called Etransfr. According to FTC's Web site, when users message each other with Chadder only the recipient sees the message -- the app itself just sees encrypted text.

McAfee made headlines in 2012 for his alleged involvement in a murder in Belize, which he denies, that resulted in a wild goose chase and his capture in Guatemala. Since then, Intel, which purchased McAfee in 2010, has disassociated its brand from his name and McAfee the man has popped up in peculiar videos and announced other security-focused projects.

Chadder for Android is available on Google Play and the Windows Phone Store. The iOS version is reportedly forthcoming.

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