The Chinese Communist Party has shown it has absolutely no sense of humour after demanding that a Twitter account be switched off. The Relevant Organs' account, @relevantorgans, calls itself "China's soft-power vanguard, rectifying your thought since 2010." It is basically takes the Nintendo out of the official organ of the Chinese Government the People's Daily.
Twitter is banned in China but that did not stop the People’s Daily taking offense at the satirical Twitter account's use of a link to the People's Daily website and China's national emblem.
"We have noticed that a Twitter account has been misleading people by stealing People's Daily's web address and National emblem of China to make false impression that the account is related to China officials or People's Daily," read a statement posted on People's Daily's Twitter account, @PDChina.
"People's Daily publicly condemns such theft and forgery conduct and demands the user of this account to make immediate rectification."
The 'Relevant Organs' responded with its own series of tweets, initially saying it 'hailed' People's Daily's "e-rectification campaign". It then started to question the authenticity of the government publication's Twitter account.
"Investigating unauthorized @PDChina account," read one tweet. "Initial data indicates 2,000 followers since May 2011."