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Kickstarter passes $1 billion milestone

by on04 March 2014

5.7 million people pledged cash

Crowdfunding site Kickstarter is opening up the champers to celebrate its biggest milestone yet. The site has managed to raise $1 billion for thousands of innovative projects created by entrepreneurs and start-ups across the world.

The cash came flowing in from 224 territories, with the US leading the way as usual. Americans accounted for about two thirds of all pledges, but that's beside the point - Kickstarter projects got cash from just about every country on the planet, except those that are under international sanctions.

Many people backed more than one project and a small group of people has backed more than 50 different projects, which makes them Kickstarter junkies in our book.

Critics may say that many of the projects amounted to nothing, which is only partially true. There are plenty of winners and losers in every business, so it's hardly surprising that some projects failed. After all they wouldn't be on Kickstarter if they had plenty of backing from corporate interests, with plenty of human and financial resources to play around with.

To mark the occasion, Kickstarter released an interactive infographic that can be checked out here. Check out the Falklands - seven backers pledged $731. We're guessing the projects had something to do with shearing sheep or shooting down Argentinean Skyhawks.

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