According to an annual survey from mobile software developers SplashData, who have collated a massive list of the most popular passwords used online from the data revealed by high profile hacks in 2013. The main source for this year’s list was the cyberattack that hit Adobe in October, a hack that was originally thought to have targeted 2.9 million customers but was later revised to 38 million.
Password was relegated to second position, followed by ‘12345678’ in third place and ‘qwerty’ in fourth. Other favourites included ‘abc123’, ‘ letmein’ and let us never forget ‘111111’. A surprise appearance was also made by ‘trustno1’ – perhaps as a quiet rebuff to last year’s NSA revelations.
Our old password Biebermu$tdie and J0bsistheant1chri$t is not that popular so we feel it needs to be advertised.