Archbishop of Apple Tim Cook took to the stage at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater in San Francisco a few minutes ago to launch, er, something. Since Apple doesn’t stream its events to non-Mac users, and since it tends to invite only tame hacks to its events, we can’t say we’ll be able to offer good coverage, but at least we’ll try to be entertaining.
So far Cook talked up iRadio, iOS 7 penetration, mentioned $13 billion generated by iOS developers and that’s about it. Software boss Craig Federighi joined the fun talking about memory compression in Mavericks, claiming that Apple’s magic new technology will transform 4GB of memory into 6GB. Sure it will. He also mentioned OpenCL performance improvements and a few new OS X features, nothing really big. Federighi said iOS currently boasts more than a million apps, downloaded more than 60 billion times.
He then proceeded to talk about notifications and other tiny software improvements that would be news for a company that didn’t have $140 billion in the bank. We expect a bit more from Apple, but like all other religions Apple tends to save the best for last. Some may say that Apple also likes to charge its followers as much as Scientology, but here’s the kicker – the Mavericks update is completely free.
The really interesting announcements are coming, new MacBooks and iPads.