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More BF2 Update details surface

Celebrating three years and still going strong
After three years Battlefield 2 from DICE still remains one of the most popular titles that players continue to play. As we told you on Monday DICE is going to celebrate this anniversary with the release of a new patch and maps for BF2.
While details are still somewhat sketchy, DICE is saying that they will release an update that will include new maps. While DICE confirmed the release of the update and that they will have an open beta prior to the official release, what might be contained in the update and the number of maps that they will release is still an unknown at this time.
Adding fuel to the speculation of what DICE has planned for the upcoming BF2 update, the name of a new map briefly appeared on the BF2 stats page under the Armored Fury booster pack. The new map was called Shanghai Showdown and it is rumored to be in an urban setting with the PLA vs. USMC.
While the name of the map has been since removed from the stats page, rumors continue to ripple through the Battlefield community that the “update” may, in fact, be more along the lines of a “free” booster pack similar to the previous booster packs that DICE previously released for BF2.
There has been no information on what kind of a timeline DICE is planning for the release of the update to BF2, but initial reaction to the news of DICE’s plans for BF2 seems to have been very well received by the Battlefield community at large.