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Ex-Arctic Cooling chap launches a new company
Ice cold Gelid Solutions
Ex Arctic Cooling chap, Gebhard Scherrer, and his business associate Mr. VC Tran, who also has experience in the PC cooling industry, have started a new Hong Kong-based company called Gelid Solutions.
Gebhard Scherrer was actually one of the founders of the Swiss-based Arctic Cooling company. The company name is taken from the Latin word "gelidus", which translates to extremely cold, icy, which sounds like a pretty good name for a cooling company.
Gelid Solutions offer some high performance silent fans, some good looking green fans and a high quality GC-1 thermal compound, that comes with a spreader. The company has yet to announce its first product in the CPU cooler lineup and we are definitely looking forward to seeing that one. We have a strange hunch that these two guys can start a good company, at least judging by their experience.
Anyway, we wish them luck in their new endeavor and here are some pictures of their current product lineup. You can find the Gelid Solutions Web site here.