Iwata believes that if price were really the issue than the sales numbers between the Basic and Premium console would should that. Customers that are buy a Wii U are buying the Premium bundle which has accounted for 60 percent of the hardware sales. This tells Iwata that the price of the console isn’t the issue and a price cut would not be a solution to selling more consoles.
Nintendo is trying to do its part to help address the software issue with the company releasing a number of high profile first party titles between not and the holidays. After that Nintendo has several additional high profile titles that are expected to arrive early next year.
That still does not help to fix the software problem entirely. Nintendo continues to reach out and lobby publishers and developers to bring their titles to the Wii U, but many do no view the Wii U market large enough to recoup their investment in Wii U titles. In addition Nintendo is working hard to attract high quality indie titles to the Wii U as well. Nintendo does appear to making some progress in this regard, but the jury is out to how much indie developers can make doing a Wii U release.