As you know, originally Microsoft had decided that they would skip including a headset with the Xbox One. It would appear that the cries from the community that Microsoft had always included a headset with the Xbox 360 and that it was a necessary accessory for the console must have gotten through to Microsoft.
From what we can tell in the video, the headset appears to be similar if not the same as the $24.99 Xbox One headset that we have seen previously. It includes the necessary adapter to plug the headset into the controller which contains what appear to be volume and mute buttons. It is unclear from the video if you will be able to use the adapter that connects to the controller to connect another type of headset (such as a stereo model that was formally used on the Xbox 360), but we would not be surprised if this was the case.
In the end, this was a good move by Microsoft; but it remains to be seen as to what kind of impact it will have on sales. We don’t think the addition of the headset to the default Xbox One bundle is going to lead to more sales by itself, but it will at least address one of the complaints that many were making.