The New York is suing hardware maker Dell for deceptive business practices and poor customer service.
Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said Dell engaging in “bait and switch” financing tactics and failing to provide their customers with adequate customer service. Cuomo said that at Dell, customer service means no service at all. Dell’s consumers were intentionally misled, and they had to pay for that privilege.
Dell deprived consumers of the technical support to which they were entitled under their warranty.
Most of this was by failing to provide timely onsite repair to consumers who purchased service contracts promising “onsite” and expedited service; They would pressure consumers, including those who purchased service contracts promising 'onsite' repair, to remove the external cover of their computer and remove, reinstall, and manipulate hardware components.
Dell discouraged customers from getting technical support by making them wait for ages and disconnecting them.
The outfit used defective 'refurbished' parts or computers to repair or replace consumers’ equipment.
Cuomo accused Dell of luring consumers to purchase its products with advertisements that offered attractive 'no interest' or similar financing. However, the vast majority of consumers were denied these deals. In a bait and switch move they were offered financing at high interest rates, which often exceed 20 per cent.
Dells financial partner DFS incorrectly billed consumers on cancelled orders, returned merchandise, or accounts they did not authorize Dell to open, and then continually harassed these consumers with illegal billing and collection activity.
More here.