Talking to CNBC, Iwata said that the outfit had relaxed its marketing efforts, so the consumers today still cannot understand what's so good and unique about the Wii U. After all few people told “You Wii” will do so without someone turning a tap first. He said that Nintendo had been unsuccessful in coming up with one single software with which people can understand.
People who have hands-on experience can appreciate the value of the Wii U, but because there's not software that's simple and obvious for people as 'Wii Sports' for the Wii, potential consumers do not feel like trying it. The Wii U console sold 3.45 million units worldwide for the 2012-13 fiscal year, which ended March 2013.
Nintendo cut its Wii U sales forecast in January as a result of lower-than-anticipated sales. Expectations were set for 4 million units sold, down from an initial target of 5.5 million.