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Xbox One chief says Xbox for offline is Xbox 360

by on12 June 2013

Pulls a Scott Forstall

You might remember that a certain fruity company had some issues with mapping software a year ago.

The maps were inaccurate, bad, inadequate and all in all Apple Maps was one of the worst if not the worst thing Apple ever launched on iOS. At that time the boss of iOS software Scott Forstall didn’t want to apologise and got fired from his position over the debacle, leaving Apple CEO Tim Cook to take the blame, at least in the public’s eyes.

Now all a sudden Microsoft Xbox chief Don Mattrick has gone on the record in an E3 interview posted on YouTube here that the device for people who like to be offline is the Xbox 360, not the new Xbox One.

He claims that in order to get the full set of feature you will need an internet connection but he recommends for people who cannot get the connection to simply get an Xbox 360.

This is a nice way of saying the community that they got it wrong, and traditionally this doesn’t tend to end well for the Don Quixotes of the world.

We do believe that people should have a choice and having to be online to play games even in single player mode is not something that we think is very necessary or nice for that matter.

In any case there is another option - a Playstation 4 that doesn’t need a connectivity to let you play, you know, just like the good old 360.


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