In a Yahoo live chat, Microsoft’s own Major Nelson revealed that the company is watching the feedback carefully, but he believes that hardcore gamers will be happy after E3. Nelson confirmed what others in the company have already said, which is that E3 is about games and the E3 presentation for the Xbox One will be all about the games.
Despite the company trotting out a number of big guns to talk about the Xbox One and explain some of the sticking points, many gamers seem to be unconvinced about the two main topics of discussion, which seem to continue to be the Internet connectivity requirement and the ability for the console to support pre-owned (used) titles.
The latest line from Microsoft on the Internet connection seems to go like this – While the Xbox One requires an Internet connection, it does not always have to be connected to the Internet. As for the pre-owned titles, Microsoft says that it is still finalizing policies on pre-owned title sales and disc sharing, but the console is going to have pre-owned title support. How pre-owned title sales will work is still being finalized.
No matter, Microsoft is taking what can only be described as a beating on the Internet issue, as many seem to put little faith in what Microsoft has said so far despite clarification from the company. As for us at Fudzilla, we are holding back our final judgment till Microsoft fills in some more of the blanks; but the criticism and backlash so far might have been just a tad more than Microsoft expected from what we have seen, and it is going to take some doing to fix this. We expect it is going to be a long wait till E3, but meanwhile it does not appear that the criticism is going to decrease.