The move seems to have been a deliberate attempt to access the email addresses and passwords of registered Scribd users. In a statement the company said that because of the way Scribd securely stores passwords, it believed that the passwords of less than one per cent of users were compromised.
Scribd has emailed every user whose password was compromised with details of the situation and instructions for resetting their password. If users want to check, you can use this web tool to determine if your account was hacked.
Apparently no content, payment and sales-related data, or other information were accessed or compromised. Scribd said that the information accessed was limited to general user information, which includes usernames, emails, and encrypted passwords.
Published in
Scribd hacked
Passwords leaked
The publisher of pdfs which exist until the real author issues a DCMA take-down notice, Scribd discovered and blocked suspicious activity on Scribd's network.