According to people are giving up on email because they can’t be bothered sifting through shedloads of spam looking for the small numbers of legitimate content. Younger people are using Twitter, or texting while big companies find e-mail outdated, and big companies are using more sophisticated internal messaging networks.
The result is that consumer e-mail traffic fell 9.5 percent between 2010 and 2012, and is projected to keep declining for the near future, according to beancounters at the research firm Radicati.
Erik Qualman, author of a book about social media, “Socialnomics,” claimed that the move away from e-mail is normal. First people moved from paper memos to e-mail, now social media and mobile applications replicate the more natural flow of a conversation. It is more natural.
Twitter and Facebook each have messaging systems but have controls for users to limit who can contact them. At the moment spammers have not cracked those services in the same way as e-mail. Networking tools, from the likes of IBM, Salesforce and Yammer create virtual workplaces that merge e-mail, logistics to content production. These create closed networks where employees can share files, show work in progress, and have personal and group conversations. Traditional email is done using Gmail and it is less used.