Published in News

GoPro used DCMA to deal with bad review

by on22 March 2013

Claims it was all a mistake

An outfit which makes cameras used for extreme circumstances appears to have tried to use the DCMA in an extreme manner to pull a bad review.

GoPro sent a DMCA takedown notice to DigitalRev, a photography shopping and discussion site. It managed to get the review, titled "GOPRO Hero 3 vs SONY HDR-AS15—Which Action Camera should you get?" pulled and was replaced with a letter from GoPro.

GoPro's brand manager claimed that the review needed to be taken down because of what he calls a "trademark" violation which is something that was not covered by the DMCA, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Of course when the situation appeared on reddit the company backpeddled and called the episode an "unfortunate miscommunication.”

It claimed that it welcomed editorial reviews of our products but the letter was sent because DigitalRev is not an authorized reseller of GoPro products and they were using images and had incorrect branding and representation of its product in its online commerce store.

If that was the case then this is admission that it was mis-using the DCMA and it does raise some questions at to what the company was really playing at.

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