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Android boss Andy Rubin steps down

by on14 March 2013

Quitting while ahead?

Google’s Android head honcho Andy Rubin has stepped down. Rubin announced his decision on Wednesday and Google promptly appointed a replacement.

Sundar Pichai, the man behind Chrome, Google Drive and Gmail, will take Rubin’s place. Google CEO Larry Page praised Rubin for his role in making Android an open-source juggernaut.

"Having exceeded even the crazy ambitious goals we dreamed of for Android — and with a really strong leadership team in place — Andy's decided it's time to hand over the reins and start a new chapter at Google," Page wrote. "Andy, more moonshots please!”

However, it is still unclear exactly what sort of moonshots Page is looking for, since we don’t know what role Rubin will play from now on. Some analysts speculate that Rubin could take over the development of Google Glass or Google’s self-driving car, reports Reuters.

We still don’t know and it is more than likely that Rubin will take a break before he takes on any new challenges. It’s not like he didn’t deserve it.

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