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Intel makes up 10 percent of Israel’s exports

by on20 February 2013

Technology makes up half

High-tech exports accounted for approximately half of Israel’s overall exports and 20 percent of that was churned out by Intel Israel. 

This means that Intel was responsible for 10 percent of Israel’s total exports in 2012. Intel Israel is the manufacturing birth place of the Ivy Bridge processor, which was manufactured in Israel. Intel Israel’s exports reached to $4.6 billion during the last year, out of the high-tech sector total exports of $21.5 billion.

In 2012, the chip maker giant remained the biggest private employer in Israel. Intel Israel hired 760 new employees during the last year, which brought its total number of employees in the country to 8,542. Last year, the company also made an investment of $1.1 billion in Israel.

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