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Ads not leaving Xbox Live
NUads format has proved successful
Xbox Live users that were hoping that they might see Microsoft back away from advertising that has graced Xbox Live since the last dashboard update are going to have to suck it up cause the ads are not going anywhere, in fact Microsoft is going to invest more in the NUads format.
Double-digit engagement results lead the news about the ad project and the results of the NUads experience the ads seem to even reach more Xbox Live users when the contain an interactive poll to vote in.
Many users have been vocal about the transition by Microsoft to using the Xbox Live platform to do so much advertising, but Microsoft can’t argue with the results and the fact the numbers seem to indicate that most users don’t seem to mind. Not only is Microsoft going to spend more money on developing advertising, but sources say the company will expand the advertising and the way the advertising content is delivered to Xbox Live users.
The one good thing about the ads is that the money that is delivered from the advertising will be used to also develop or pay for additional content. As of yet it is unknown what specifically Microsoft may have in mind, but we believe that streaming show content is one area in which Microsoft is said to want to continue expansion.