1TB optical discs coming in 2015
Somebone is still developing those things?
Optical storage is all but obsolete on most platforms and with ever increasing internet speeds, cheap HDDs, cloud storage and other emerging technologies there’s not much chance we’ll see an optical tech revival anytime soon.
Howevr, Fujifilm begs to differ. The outfit has developed a new recoding method that is said to deliver as much as 1TB of storage on a single disc. The new discs can store 25GB per layer, much like Blu-ray discs, but unlike Blu-ray the new double-sided discs have 20 layers.
The new recording method uses two-photon absorption technology to increase the number of layers and it employs a 405nm Ti/S laser.
The new method will potentially make 15TB discs possible, making them as cheap as magnetic tape (yes, people still use those, too).
Fujifilm hopes to commercialize the new disc by 2015. We are not convinced that there is still a consumer market for the new technology, but some businesses could find it handy.
More here.