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Amazon is cyber squatter
River hits back at bookshop
South American national governments are complaining about the bookshop Amazon’s bid to acquire the .amazon generic Top Level Domain (gTLD).
They point out that the river Amazon has considerable prior use of the claim and the bookshop is a cyber squatter. Wonder Woman has not been around for a comment and the Amazon nation, whose matriarchal, one breasted warriors scared the odyssey out of Achilles, are believed to have been wiped out.
The South American countries are worried that Amazon will gain exclusive rights to the Amazon domain and prevent the use of it for “purposes of public interest related to the protection,promotion and awareness raising on issues related to the Amazon biome”.
Concerns were voiced as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) opened discussions with members of its Government Advisory Committee (GAC). Brazil and Peru said they had the full endorsement of non-GAC members Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana and Argentina in their protestations at the .amazon domain.