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First arrest made in JFK iPad heist
Inside job pulled off by daft worker
Well that didn’t take long. Last week a couple of crooks pulled off a daring iPad heist at New York’s JFK International Airport, and now authorities seem to have cracked the case wide open.
Mind you, it didn’t take much effort. Federal agents apprehended JFK worker Renel Rene Richardson who was apparently the inside man and the brains of the operation. He can hardly be described as a criminal mastermind though. Richardson was apparently asking his workers about the shipment and even inquiring where forklifts could be found. Smooth move.
Richardson apparently had two helpers, who used the forklifts to load two pallets stacked with iPad minis onto a truck, but their efforts were cut short by another worker who confronted them. Richardson allegedly acted as a lookout, so he managed to botch that as well.
It is not clear whether authorities managed to recover the iPads or nab the other two suspects, but the odds seem stacked against them at this point.
More here.
[Since one of our readers didn't like the Bobby Fuller version, here's some Strummer after the break. Ed]